Fear Based Decision Making

Fear: (noun) an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.

There is plenty of fear in the world right now.  Fear of contracting COVID-19, fear a loved one will contract the virus, fear your may no-longer have a job, fear your industry or profession may no-longer be viable in the “new norm.”

An incredibly decent and long-time friend of mine died a couple of years ago of colon cancer.  In the final days of his life we had many conversations about life, love and simply what it takes to survive in times of crisis or illness. I told my friend that I was considering changing the direction of my company and that doing so would require me to take on considerable risk.  His response was as simple as it was profound, “Just think what you could accomplish if you were not afraid.”

A 2K VOLTstack hard at work powering my son’s trailer (Spring 2020)

A 2K VOLTstack hard at work powering my son’s trailer (Spring 2020)

His words struck me as if I had been hit with a hammer.  I left the hospice that afternoon thinking about his words and reflecting. Was I indeed fearful of making the change?  I considered many options, and, in the end, I took the plunge.  That decision has led to me making more changes that has taken me in a new direction that has been challenging and rewarding.

This started me thinking about how we make decisions, what we do to talk ourselves out of change or growth simply based on fear.  It’s the devil you know versus the devil you don’t. One thing that is changing rapidly is the use of non-carbon fuelled generators like the VOLTstack 2K and 5K systems. 

These are revolutionary in design and function and are the new wave in design and application.

Many companies are making the switch to be more GREEN in how they do business.  Don’t let fear stop you from making a change that will help the planet

Stay safe, Stay well!!


Sanitizating VOLTstack Portable Generators


Deck Building - Made Easy